Fruit Of The Spirit - part one

Post date: 03-Dec-2012 14:50:48

I'm calling this "Fruit Of The Spirit" even though its about the "Gifts of" just to confuse you

Remembering that the gifts work within the love of God, not a namby pamby love that sounds good

but is only a surface thing, but a love that penetrates deep into the heart and changes a life

and in this God love the gifts work

In the last bible study we observed and took a brief glimpse at the fruit of God, the Holy Spirit


Because it shows that the gifts work alongside love and without that Love we are but clanging cymbals

And we looked at 2 Peter 1:5-7


goodness, knowledge; and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to

perseverance, godliness; and to godliness, brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness,


And we saw that Job had to be tested and go through quite a lot but was given double afterwards

And that through the trials and tribulations of that life the "fruit" was apparent

Fruit never gives off an odour unless it is bruised

The gifts in the same way (can be) used in the "knowledge of God and who He is

Taking on the character of God and having "self control" in the using of a gift but also persevering in

the using of a gift (walking in a gift can cause a lot of problems)



Using Old Testament scripture we turn to Elija and Elisha

Lets begin


Elisha had followed Elija closely and desired for a "Double" anointing and in this being the will of

God, God so answered Elisha's "Desire"

do you know that There are some 14 acts of God through Elija ?

And some 24 acts of God through Elisha ? thats double !

lots of examples of hoarding and people who used what God had given for themselves and

had it taken away

Other examples given were of people who used what God had given for others , the poor , the needy

(not gleaning their entire field and crop but leaving some)

We then related this to the story of Job and we saw everything Job valued of a far greater price

than money...taken away, but that Job had twice as much given back to Him

So now we are going to look at a few of the giftings and the miraculous that God perfomred

through Elija and then onto Elisha

So although fruit is the working of God in a person for the benefit of others, the gifts are the

outworking of that fruit as God displays His character

In other words "fruit is an inworking of who God is"

Gifts can be said to be " An outworking of who God is"

thats an easy way to remember


So lets look at

The Miracle of the Jar of flour and the jug of oil 1 Kings 17:14

And Resurrection of the widow's son in 1 Kings 17:22

And we'll make a list of the prophecies and miracles , healings, the raising of the dead,

and so on....later

And Resurrection of the widow's son in

1 Kings 17:22

Firslty lets look at the story of the Raising up of the widows son

And I,ll skip through this very quickly

I want to reiterate and echo, parallel and emphasis , the taking on of Gods character

With the use of gifts as in "the fruit being the character of God - the main wrapping being Love"


Now to begin with we see in Genesis that when God breathed life into Adam, I don't believe it

was a mechanical thing where God stood at a distance and blew His breath upon Adam

I believe this was an intimate time when God the Father Of Jesus knelt down or leaned towards

Adam and having formed Adam from the dust He blow into Adam , eye to eye and mouth to mouth,

and hands to hands

Inthis man was made in Gods image and when Gods breath was breathed man became a "living soul"

re: King James Genesis 2:7

This was a loving intimate time at the birth of Mankind


Now to 1 Kings 17:21 Elijah and

and here Elijah stretched himself over the boy and his soul was raised up

back to life

Now to Elisha the disciple of Elijah in

2 Kings 4:34

And here we have two parallel raisings of the dead

One Elijah and the other Elisha John 14:12

12 Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father. 13 And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. 14 You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it.



We now who hope in the resurection of the dead to eternal life believe that we are , His hands,

His eyes, His mouthpiece

We being the body of Christ and being made in His image are called "children of God"

Taking on more and more of His character and becoming more and more like Him

As we become more and more His eyes, His mouthpiece and His hands

(By their fruit you will know them )