Matthew 6:10 your kingdom come, your will be done in this Earthen Vessel

Putting aside all things that would seek to pull us down and running the race

"already marked" out before us

Hebrews 12:1-2

Lifes racecourse can have many hurdles and as I put down those things that would seek to help me and assist me to "Give up" I continue stubbornly and assuredly to run the race

With a great multitude of onlookers watching on "From a distance" cheering

With One goal in mind....not just to finish the race BUT to win the race

Lifes hurdles will always try to trip up almost every day but I take one day at a time and

take one hurdle at a time so that when better times come I might have learnt and be more equipped for the future

We running the race have one focus and one purpose and that is to do what we believe God

has called us too, whatever that might be

Not letting discouragement, feelings, emotions, demoralising attitudes or self get in the way

of that to which we have been called

I and we all have one calling and that is too win the race

How can I win the race ?

I can't.......... its not because of me but because of who He is

Not what I have done ... but what He has done

I might run the race blindfolded , not seeing more than one day at a time

But He see's all and even though I might feel like I am blindfoled He shows me the way

He has won the race for me

Its not what I can do or what I have

But what He can do and what He has