Author Merle


In order to listen I need to shut down. It does no good to have two conversations going on, my own and Gods, or my neighbour at the same time. Even when we visit friends or family, and they are talking, I am constantly aware that my mind is ticking over, assessing constantly what is going on. My eyes are registering colours and movements, my ears are filtering all the sounds, my senses basically are reaching out and using everything around me available to keep my mind active, so that my brain is not left lacking in work.

Shut down, go where its quiet, close doors, switch off sounds, and close your eyes if you have to.

Be Still before the Lord, all mankind, because He has roused Himself from His holy dwelling {Zechariah 2:13}

Life is filled with extremes. There are moments of exuberant joy, and then there are times of devastating sorrow; there are times of victory and times of defeat; periods of deafening noise and of tangible silence. The most difficult of all is when your soul longs for silence in the presence of God like the parched earth longs for rain. For some or other reason we find it very difficult to reach this state of silence.

Life is also full of challenges. There is so much to be done and the clamor around us often silences the inner voice of wisdom and blunts our conscience. You stay busy, work hard and make a lot of noise, just in case it should become quiet and you perhaps hear something you don’t like. To allow your spirit to dwell in God’s silence can be a totally new experience. Yet spending time in seclusion with God is invaluable.

Try to break through this silence consciously. Your mind might try to convince you that you have too much to do and your blunted spirit might tell you that it is a waste of time – and time is money. If you persevere with the help of the Holy Spirit, you might feel a little uncomfortable at first with leaving all things that you have to do and the things that you did not complete.

If you confess your shortcomings courageously and with perseverance, you will reach your full spiritual potential. Then being still before the Lord becomes a creative reality.

I am still before You, O holy God, so that I am able to hear what Your will for my life is and to be strengthened so that I can do Your will. Amen

We want to be still, so that we can listen. We want to be still to hear Your voice only. Teach us Oh God.

You have said and asked us in Isaiah 55:3

Incline your ear, and come to Me. Hear, and your soul shall live; And I will make an everlasting covenant with you— The sure mercies of David.

Unless we hear Him, and unless He teaches us, we have nothing.

The Lord our God will speak His words, He speaks His words constantly, and our faith is built up by hearing as it is written: Romans 10:17

So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.

His word becomes the meditation of our hearts. That which he tells us in the secret place, becomes the reality when we hear it. In listening to God, we take heed of His word, we start to act on it.

We practice listening, it is something that growths with time, and the more we recognize His voice, the more we become more like Him and start doing the things He teaches.

In the stillness of His presence He quietens us with His love. And that love speaks, always speaks.

We learn to follow His voice as He has said: John 10:27

My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me.

And then we have Exams. LOL

Then He said to him, “Follow Me” John 21:19

For three years Peter was enrolled in the school of the greatest Teacher of all times. While he was taking classes, he had to write a test every now and then. Some he failed miserably and others he scraped through.

He failed Geography: the “rock” crumbled. He failed seamanship: he wasted time in shallow waters when he was supposed to be out injt the deep-sea. He wanted to walk on the water but sank because of unbelief. He failed agriculture: he couldn’t distinguish between wheat and chaff. He failed human relations: he followed his best Friend from afar and denied Him, thus siding with the enemy. He even failed theology, for when he had to grow spiritually, his Teacher had to reprimand him, “Get behind Me, Satan”. Matt 16:23

But praise God, Peter passed the test of faithfulness because when everybody else wanted to desert Jesus, Peter asked, “Where else can I go?”. He also passed the most difficult test of faith with his testimony, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” Then with tears of remorse and confession of guilt, Peter passed the important test of conversion.

For the final exam he had to answer one question only, “Simon, son of John, do you truly love Me?” Jesus repeated the question three times and all three times Peter answered correctly.

He passed the examination of Christian discipleship with distinction and was ready to obey and to listen when Christ commanded, “Follow Me.”

Peter was listening. All those years being taught, he finally got the message. Finally his ears were open and he followed.

Listening to God is being taught by God, it’s a time for God to minister to you, and you only. It is a time for Him to bestow every gift possible to you. It is a time to infill you with the most holy knowledge and wisdom. It is a time to see Him as He really is. And the result of that listening?

I personally think whether we like it or not, we get up, and follow Him.

Gracious Teacher, thank You for the training I receive in Your classes of love. Keep me diligent. Amen


This week we are tasked with spending 20 mins or so being still, each day, meditating with Father God, waiting on the Lord, to see what He is speaking to you and revealing to you every day, we know that He is always speaking to us, but we are not always in a position of listening, if you feel it is going to be difficult to do this, or unsure how to do it, then there is another thread that may help you .. this is just suggested ways that may help you focus, it is neither complete nor mandatory that you pray this way, it is simply a tool.

Now God speaks to us in many ways, through His Word, Prayer, Holy SPirit, Fellow Believers, Worship, Lyrics, things in life where you sit back and can say wow God i really see You at work there or speaking to me, through confirmations others may say...........just make note of anything you think is from Father God from this quiet time with Him, and bring it on Wednesday to share, if you do not feel comfortable sharing this with others, thats ok, what is important is that you have spent some time set aside, specifically to hear or listen out for Father God speaking to you.
